Soulfly web: Jose from Sirius has just let the word out that you and Igor are coming together to work on music together for the first time in a very long time. He only used the word "sick" to describe it, but some Sepultura fans might need a bit more insight than this. Could you maybe describe the project a bit, why you're doing it, and what it sounds like musically?
Max: Yeah, we were hanging out with Jose last weekend, and he's a huge fan, supporter, and friend of mine. We didn't go into many details about the project, cause we don't really want to put any limits on it, but what I played for him was very raw. They were my personal demos, just the same as "Inflikted", but were even more raw, with no vocals or anything. I hope people are going to be very excited about it, because it's going to be a very special album for us regardless of what happens on it. It's the first time I've worked with my brother in 10 years in the studio. In many ways it's pretty historic and even magical for me - 10 years is a very long time. This project is going to be very much like a volcano exploding. We've had so much anger and aggression building up, and I know that Igor is going to fucking destroy the drum kit in the studio. I really doubt the drum kit will even survive the recording, and I hope doesn't. So far it's sounding very aggressive, but again, at this point there are no rules or limitations with it. It's going to be mainly just me and Igor, but I want to have some other guys involved with it. It's going to be similar to Nailbomb in that it's only two guys, some friends, and one album - but it's definitely going to have it's own style. It's metal Cavalera style, and it's the closest thing that anyone's going to get to seeing any type of reunion. I don't know what the fuck is going to happen with it, but I'm very excited to see where it goes and what we can do.
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Nao vejo a hora!!!!! ABRACAO
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